Get your ESTA authorization to the US
I - What is a travel authorization?
Citizens from countries mentionned on our home page can benefits of the Visa Waiver Program to travel to the USA. They will need to get a travel authorization in applying for an ESTA before traveling to the United States. After entry your personal data and summary of your trip on the secure website, your application will be processed by the system that will determines whether you can travel without a visa (under the Visa Waiver Program) or not. Prior to boarding, the airline compagny will electronically check with immigration services that your travel authorization has been Granted.
II - Who should apply?
All passengers traveling under the Visa Waiver Program are required to obtain a travel authorization before traveling to the United States by air or sea .For young childrens enrolled on the ticket of their parents, an authorization is also required.
III - After submitting my ESTA application, how long does it takes ?
Once the ESTA application is submitted, in most cases permission is granted immediately, and we send it to you within 4 hours. This deadline applies to applications submitted between 9am and 7pm GMT +1, Monday to Friday. This period may be extended during the weekend and holidays It may be possible that your application remains pending by the consular agencies for a few hours before obtaining an authorization.
III - Once the authorization is accorded, my entry into the US is guaranteed?
If your electronic travel authorization is granted, you can go to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program, but your entry will not be guaranteed. You will be monitored at the border of the United States by an immigration officer, who may still refuse your admission under the Visa Waiver Program or under a section of U.S. law.
IV - How long my ESTA is valid ?
Your authorization must be submitted before your departure for the United States, we recommend submitting your application at least 72 hours before departure. Your application is valid for a period of two years from the date of authorization.
V - Some information about my passport has changed since my last authorization, what should I do?
If you get a new passport or if changes have been made to the data on your passport, you must apply for a new travel authorization.Si votre passeport a expiré, que vous ayez reçu un nouveau passeport ou si des informations ont changé, vous devez obligatoirement soumettre de nouveau votre Autorisation de Voyage USA.
VI - Once my application is submitted, can I change incorrect information?
Travelers can not change the information submitted through the application form, that is why you should be careful on validating information. You will need to resubmit a request with accurate information.
VII - My authorization is denied, what should I do in this case?
In the event of a denied ESTA authorization, and if the applicant still wishes to travel, he will be required to apply for a visa from the consulate of the Embassy of the United State
VIII - I lost my authorization, how to find it?
In case of your authorization is still valid and it has been realized by us:, you can ask us for free copy via our Contact page to get it back. Please provide us: Full name, passport number and passport expiration date.
IX - Is it possible to change or cancel my application?
It is not possible to cancel a request, indeed upon receipt your information is processed and automatically forwarded to U.S. government authorities. However, if your changes affect your data travel (airline, flight number, address of residence), you can make a change request via our Contact page. These changes will be accepted if your application has not yet been processed.
X - I do not have a printer, I do not know how to print my authorization to PDF?
Once your application is processed, you may request one at no extra fees to send your authorization by post. Please email us (via our Contact page) with your name, surname, passport number, and you wish to receive your authorization by post.